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My Coffin Rock Interview for Count Gregula's Crypt featuring "Just Kiddin"

Just Kiddin, a British Electronic duo comprised of Lewis Thompson and Laurie Revel. Just Kiddin, formed in 2010, originated from Kettering, Northamptonshire, England. They have four albums out: Wildlife EP, Seriously (Part One), Seriously (Part Two), and Intimacy EP. Listeners can find them on Pandora, YouTube, Spotify, and Play Music.

Below are my quick questions and the revealing responses from Just Kiddin.

Victoria Bathory: How did you form “Just Kiddin”?

Just Kiddin: We've been good friends since the age of about 14, when we started a band together at school . The 1st band didn’t last long but after going our separate ways for University we started a fresh and J.K. was born!

VB: How did you come up with the name “Just Kiddin”?

JK: We put it to the best panel of judges we could find, our friends. One of our closest friends claims to have a 1.25% stake in our music, he’s not kidding.

VB: What made you want to pursue a career in music?

JK: Because it’s the only thing we both ever did that didn’t feel like ‘a job’.

VB: What do you believe to be your greatest opportunity or biggest break?

JK: Probably Thinking About It – it was the first time we had released something with our friends at Eton Messy and I don’t think any of us really thought it would go as far as it did! It got picked up by Pete Tong’s label FFRR who helped take it further and was listened to over 5 million times online! That still blows our mind, to be honest.

VB: Describe your music in three words?

JK: Uplifting, togetherness, escapism and if you’d allow one more we’d add in avocado.

VB: What do you find the most challenging?

JK: Styling Laurie’s hair in the morning - it’s a nightmare!

VB: What is the most rewarding aspect of your career?

JK: Seeing people connect with our music in the way we intended.

VB: Who influences your music?

JK: Our friends. We’ve got a really close group and we’re all really passionate about music. We started this for them really.

VB: What was your first concert?

Lewis: Battle of the bands, Kettering

Laurie: Jethro Tull

VB: Tell me the weirdest thing about you.

Lewis: I’m addicted to humous (aka I’m a ‘humoholic’)

Laurie: I’m a humoholic (see above)

VB: Name five things you always keep in your fridge?

Lewis: classic humous, red pepper humous, sweet chilli humous, lemon & coriander humous and blueberries

Laurie: camembert, prosciutto, chicken, coconut water and spinach.

VB: Fame or fortune? Why?

JK: We’re leaning towards fortune. Fame sounds like too much hassle.

VB: What makes your music unique?

JK: It works on the dance floor, poolside and the bedroom ;)

VB: What was the most memorable venue you played at?

JK: Our first ever international gig a few years back in Strasbourg on a boat. We’d only released 1 song and a promoter directly messaged us and asked us to play - it was the start of this journey and something neither of us will forget. We still have the poster of it in our studio to remind ourselves how it all began.

~ Victoria V^^^V

Thanks for reading! To view the interview on Gregula's ChicagoNow Blog:

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